Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What do you get to come home to?

What I come home to each night.
One of the most anticipated things about moving out on my own was that I would be able to adopt a kitten. In fact I already knew what he was going to look like and what his name was going to be. What else would a Harry Potter lover name their pet other than Ronald Weasley; although the name Sawyer came in a close second. Next came the fun part...shopping for him. As for his Kitty Toys; Ronald has chosen not the “cute” expensive toys I buy from Petsmart or Petco, but rather caps. Now I say caps as in shampoo bottle caps, perfume bottle caps… and I reluctantly agree that yes they fly on my hardwood floors much smoother than anything we have seen so far, and they make a great sound, as if they are trying desperately to escape and as we all know, boys certainly love the chase. Either way, my Ronald does not stick to conventional kitty ways. He always looks up at me, or down on me, depending if he has just woken me up by jumping on my face, with the most innocent "I love you so much" look that it is difficult to be mad at this one. Most recently during the infamous Bone Junior visit, Ronald treated our guest to the full service "wake up" call. To further explain; as Bone Junior was attempting to sleep in on the rare morning off for vacation, Ronald decided that he didn't want her to miss a moment of her visit to Houston sleeping longer than she needed to. To make sure that this travesty did not occur he took it upon himself to initiate Plan A. Materials Needed: 1 spring-y door stopper, one front paw, and stalwart courage. Later described as Ronald batting at the spring-y door stopper until Bone Junior nearly lost her mind...he was locked him out of the room not once, but twice! No need to set the alarm. No wasted time here. We deliver.

1 comment:

Bone Junior said...

Boooooooiiiiiiiiiinnggggggg.....booooooooooiiiiiiiinnnngggggggggg...I will always fondly remember my wake up call. Thanks Ronald. One love.