Oops! I mean Father's Day...but sometimes the case may be called for the above mentioned title. (This card is in the mail- I just laughed so hard that I didn't want to wait until you got it) That is what dads are for right? But really. I wanted to commemorate fathers day with some favorite recollections of MY wonderful Dad.
The TOP Three that I could think of that is:
1) This was the man who would come home from an early beginning and long work day to read books to me; that is before I could read, and whenever I could convince him to do so after I'd learned to. I distinctly remembering to "read" Cat and the Hat, Berenstein Bears, and most particularly when I had broken my collar bone, I, Houdini. This led to a whole new world of reading, and in fact a shared love for all things Harry Potter. In fact, the story of me becoming hooked on Harry begins with my Dad. I came home one summer from college to work one of those lovely summer jobs. I was comfortably moved into a basement room when a small, blue, paperback book mysteriously showed up on my pillow one evening. Now as most books go, I am willing to give it the good 'ole '2 chapter' try. Except the title "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone" was not high on my list of sophisticated reading material. Thus beginning the Harry Battle. Starting with that first night I carefully placed the book on my bedside table and picked up other reading material. I awoke the next morning, paused as I looked at that little blue book, and continued in my morning routine. That evening I was surprised as I pulled back and rearranged my pillows and blankets for another night sleep, when I saw a small, blue book sitting comfortably ON the bed. "That's strange" I thought to myself as I less carefully deposited the book on the floor next to my bed. The next morning, same routine, but I definately made sure to remember exactly where the book was. As I came into my room later that night...yup...you guessed it. The book had made it back onto the bed; just waiting for me to read it. Now I know this was my Dad's work. Seeing as how he had been attempting to discuss plot lines [as many devout HP fans tend to do with each other] everytime we talked. Now as a good daughter I may has given in and just read the blue book, but it took nearly 2 weeks of this 'put the book [on the floor, under the bed, in the night stand, on the night stand, on my desk] you name it and have it returned to its place of honor on my pillow each day. Faithfully it continued finding its way back onto the bed each night. Thankfully persistance paid off, and as of the last book release, I braved a Borders bookstore midnight release party of the 6th book in the Harry Potter series. Good Thing too. Because as I arrived home that night, my Dad was waiting to pounce. So I compromised. Seeing as he had merely ordered the book on Amazon.com and wouldn't get his copy for a few more hours, I took pity :) We spent the entire night reading the book out loud to each other so that we could find out what happened next. Besides, who else can I discuss to the death the predictions and plot lines of Harry Potter than with my Dad. Who by the way I am really excited to see the next Harry Potter movie with in Salt Lake City.
2) Who cares for you like a dad? As I have left for college and teaching in states other than Washington the weekly, sometimes daily calls from family have become the norm. In fact, with the technology of cell phones, I have come to rely on such close communication ties. And seeing as I have been in later time zones, and my family has warped into the late to bed, late to rise routine, I find that I rarely am concerned with the TIME of a call :) But I find it comforting to talk to my Dad (before being handed over to my Mom because she continues to ask questions through my Dad) to be asked -in this order- how is your car doing? how is school going? what's the weather like? how are you doing? Before any other conversation would sideline us to other topics. My Dad takes care of me. Or to put another way, first the car, then the possible needed school expenses, helpful weather tips, and then me :) But it has helped to make me independent and grow up with a feeling that "I can do this!" Which is one of the best feelings that one can teach others.
3) He has a sense of humor. He is someone that you just want to be around. After 26 years of marriage my Mom still wants to spend time with him, whether that is the traditional date and [NOT to Home Depot mind you]. I have never known anyone to NOT like my Dad. He is an interesting person to talk to, whether you are talking about the upkeep of motor vehicles, computers, or the best way to install new carpet. I have learned many things watching and helping my Dad. I learned that I could carry a roll of carpet big enough to at least carpet the LARGE family room in their house- his response - "You're going to make some guy a great carpet installer one day" [which of course is on my resume]. I learned how to change the oil in my car, properly replace a tire, how to drive a stick shift, and that sometimes smaller hands are easier to get into the small spaces in a car engire, but unfortunately those smaller hands are UNABLE to unscrew a bolt with those bare hands. He gives good advice, sometimes even if it is just to listen. He is a good teacher. I know he must get frustrated with people, but I hardly remember a time when he let a temper take reign. What more can you ask for? I am so greatful everyday to have a Dad that loves and supports not only me, but my Mom, sister, and those around him.
I saw this item and remembered that you were quite taken with this character :) was it not a desktop wallpaper for a time?
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