Yanaj and I were driving home from a party one night a few months ago. We decided to stop for a late dinner at a local Chilies. More for the conversation than for the food, we spent a good 2 hours talking over our food. We were sitting in a booth, immersed in our talk, when we came to the end of our dinner. Beginning to reach for our debit cards the waitress walks over to our table. She goes on to tell us we had no bill-
huh? Well, apparently, the gentleman who had been seated near us AND that had just left- paid for our meals! Apparently this does not only happen in the movies or in books. We couldn't believe that someone would do that!
The kindness continues...Unlike our generous benefactor, in order for you to get an idea of the next story, I will have to reveal a fairly embarrassing moment of my life from this past week. In general, I try to be careful so as not to have cringe-worthy moments...but apparently you cannot be on guard all the time.
...on to the story...
I live about 25 minutes from the school that I work at. (Thankfully it is mostly highway time). Last Wednesday I was driving into work at the normal time. I see my exit when I happen to glance down and notice that my low gas tank light has come on.

By the way, it IS on in the picture,
it just so happens that the ABS light next to it is brighter!
Every time in the past, that light has come on as a warning "You have about 40 miles before you run out of gas". This has always been enough to get to AND from work before I need to fill up. On this particular day, I make it into work without any mishaps, park, and forget about the condition and level of the gas tank. That afternoon after work I get into my car and start it up. Nothing too unusual. I drive through "downtown", pass 3 gas stations, and get onto the freeway. To give you an idea of where I am driving, there is farm land and orchards between exits, and not much else. I have been going for about 5 miles on the freeway, when my car gives one tremendous shake! And suddenly I begin to loose speed. "Wait a minute. Wait one gosh darn second. My gas light isn't even on! I can't believe there is not enough gas to make it to the next exit. Please!" Which- by the way -is within eyeshot. I flip on my hazard lights and begin to chant...further...just a little further. Well, I make it about 10 more feet before my momentum is gone. I admit defeat. Alas, when you run out of gas, it really does mean that you will not be driving any further. Even IF the gas station is in sight. So there I found myself sitting on the side of the freeway with my hazard lights blinking. What else was there for me to do? I sigh once, take my keys out of the ignition, toss them into my purse, step out of the car, zip up my coat, adjust my sunglasses, and begin walking. I had taken no more than 20 steps when a vehicle pulls up behind me- Thanks to the kindness of a stranger -the driver offers me a lift to the gas station, where in fact there is NO gas can to borrow. Helpful eh? But the kindness continued- the driver offers to drive me to the Wal-mart (so that I can purchase my very own gas can), drive me BACK to the gas station, and finally BACK to my car. Needless to say, I now own my very own gas can, tucked safely in the trunk of my car. I also do not plan on ever needing it for myself again.
So to both my Kind Strangers - Thank You.