What a job.
You may be asking "why are you doing this to yourself?" Well the answer is that there are some students, teachers, and experiences that make life at Metcalf endurable.
Working in a portable...
This is the view from my portable on a recent day that the heavens decided to open up and show us that no matter how important the lesson plan was, or how much my students really needed to be in the classroom, we were not to be having any of it.
"If you happen to be one of those people who are looking at this picture thinking, 'What is HPLuvr talking about' let me explain this picture a bit. You are looking out onto the school's playground. You see the hardtop basketball court. Next you might be able to distinguish some swing sets and monkey bars. Just beyond that, but before the row of houses that are behind our school is Lake a la Metcalf. Which is as large as the school itself, and if I were to have gone wading in it (like I wanted to) it would most likely have come up to my knees."
Western Day at Metcalf...aren't they adorable...
Another chance to celebrate what a great state Texas is. The kids wore cowboy clothing and put on a country line dancing performance for their parents and teachers. SO CUTE!!
If only every day brought such warm fuzzies to my heart. Because they don't. Which brings me back to my situation. What to do now that I've resigned as a CY-Fair teacher.
But then on Thursday night I get a call. One of the second grade teachers that I worked with last year was calling to tell me that the other second grade teacher that we worked with is retiring at the end of this school year. She was calling to tell me that she wants me to put in my application on Monday and move back to Utah. In fact, she had told the new principal there about me already. What does it feel like to actually be wanted? Like this. The cut in pay, aka- my Teaching Soul- is worth it. Trust me. I will keep you posted about what I really am going to do next year or rather in the next two months.
13 days left.
Come hooooooooooome!!!
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