"Do you wanna go to yoga at 9?"
I contemplated just what else I would be doing at 9 (sadly, the plan was to be laying on my couch reading my current book Peter and the Secret of Rundoon) and so I figured- what the hay, I'll give it a try. Especially considering that we have been trying to go to the gym together for the past 2 weeks. That is ever since we discovered that we are members of the same gym. So I texted back telling her that contrary to popular belief, I had yet to try this activity.
Would I need to bring anything special?
Thinking yoga mat...some flexibility genes...that sort of thing. Well guess what my gym offers? Besides 9 pm yoga classes- yup flexibility genes :) or yoga mats to be more accurate. So an hour later I found myself sitting on a squishy, purple yoga mat, in the middle of a fairly empty aerobics classroom, gazing through a set of windows out at the rest of the gym members working it out on treadmills, stationary bikes, and stair steppers. Seeing the worried expression on my face, my friend reassured me that they dimmed the lights at the beginning of class, making it difficult to see into the room. That and the fact that she just about picked the most perfect spots in the entire room helped to ease my pre-yoga jitters. You know the spot- those special spots where you are A) Not right up front breathing all over the instructor, or B) Not in direct eye line with ANY of the humongous wall mirrors- so that you do not have to watch yourself workout.
I will admit a few things about the whole experience. It was a relaxing way to let the day's worries go and I wasn't too concerned about trying to keep up with the rest of the class, experienced or not.
Overall I was invigorated by the experience, and would be apt to try it again. Maybe I will be able to stretch a little bit further next time and save myself the up close and personal experience. That, and I would definitely remember to bring a water bottle- who knew one could get so thirsty doing the Warrior Pose?